
Ameer, Tucker, Ga

Masters, Master of Taxation


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Service Line

Tax Preparation


Enrolled Agent (EA)


28.40 hrs / wk (this month)
40.00 hrs / wk (next month)

Top Industries

  • Accounting Firm

  • Restaurants

  • Retail

Top Skills

  • 1040 Filing

  • 1065 Filing

  • 1120 Filing

  • 1120S Filing

  • Income Tax

Top Softwares

  • CCH Prosystem fx

  • MS Excel

  • UltraTax

Work Experience


Manger Of Tax Technology Transformation

Dates Worked: 

April 2019 - current




  • ●         Spearheaded the preparation and review of Federal & State partnership tax returns, ensuring meticulous accuracy and adherence to regulations.
    ●         Skillfully conducted the first-level review of tax returns using Go System RIA for private equity clients, incorporating precise categorizations and entries.
    ●         Collaborated with staff in the preparation of comprehensive tax work papers, including wash sales, constructive sales, and K-1 summary analyses.
    ●         Leveraged Robotic Process Automation (RPA) for efficient return filing, streamlining processes and ensuring compliance.
    ●         Engineered tax-driven processes to optimize the review and preparation of tax returns for accuracy, contributing to financial reporting strategies.
    ●         Managed developer teams to achieve seamless deployment objectives, facilitating a seamless transition.

Software Used: 

CCH Prosystem fx

Skills Used: 

Corporate Tax, Income Tax, Personal Tax, Tax Analysis, Accounting Information Systems, Accounting Processes, Big Data, Bookkeeping

Industries Covered: 

Accounting Firm


Tax Senior

Dates Worked: 

August 2016 - April 2020




●  Applied advanced tax expertise to modify tax data for mechanized tax processing systems, enabling accurate input for client-specific business rules.
●  Processed complex tax data for returns using client's tax systems, demonstrating proficiency in categorizations and journal entries.
●  Reviewed and ensured the accuracy of sales and use tax returns, incorporating a strong eye for detail.
●  Leveraged your background in the software/tech industry to provide financial insights and forecast budgets, essential for informed decision-making.
●  Demonstrated expertise in financial modeling to facilitate strategic planning and goal attainment.

Software Used: 

CCH Prosystem fx, ERP Systems, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Teams, MS Dynamics, MS Excel, MS Outlook, Power BI, SQL, Tax Analysts

Skills Used: 

Sales Tax, Accounting Software, Big Data, Tax Consulting/Planning, SaaS, Tax Law, Tax Compliance, Systems Analysis

Industries Covered: 

Accounting Firm, Telecommunications, Hospital & Health Care